


当奥. 吴德权第一次走进医院是在1964年的新加坡, 他不知道接下来会发生什么. 大器晚成者(中学英语不及格), 无论能找到什么工作,他都非常渴望. 他没有资格当医生, 因为当时几乎没有听说过男护士, 他曾希望在文书部门开始工作.


“护理不是我的第一选择. 事实上,我的第一选择是当一名文员. 不知怎么的, they offered me nursing instead and being the first job available, 我抓住了它,而不是放手,” 他说.

事实证明,这个决定是他做过的最好的决定之一. 他很快就爱上了这份工作, 将光, 创新, 勇敢地走进医院大厅直到现在, 75岁时, 他在54年辉煌的职业生涯后退休了.

他的护士生活充满了故事, like when he risked his job to revive a coding patient with a debrillator when a doctor wasn’t available. Nurses at the time were forbidden to administer the treatment without a doctor, 但他没有受到惩罚, 当医生最终回来时,高建被誉为英雄.

“I felt very useful because I could save somebody’s life just like that,” 他说.

But his contributions went far beyond the hospital halls and patient rooms. 他努力工作的态度, 没有废话的方法, and wealth of experience translated into changes across the entire healthcare system of Singapore.

He played a large role in setting up Intensive Care Unit healthcare and protocol in the country. He also changed the lives of all nurses (and their patients) for the better when he noted how exhausted nurses were when working six-day weeks—the common practice at the time. He championed the cause, but the government wasn’t quick to accept. 他们争辩说,人力的损失将造成太大的破坏. But rather than give in, Goh took matters into his own hands yet again.

bbin宝盈娱乐客户端下载做了自己的试点项目. We took a ward roster and planned it out with the existing staff. bbin宝盈娱乐客户端下载提交给他们,他们批准了. 在那之后,(常规)变成了四个晚上。” 他讲述了.

He’s also credited with educating much of the country in CPR training, and was responsible for bringing the now-familiar CPR mannequins to the country’s hospitals and training centers.

You can watch a beautiful tribute to his life and career on Youtube at 这个链接.

Throughout his life, he was often asked why he chose to continue to work as a nurse. Male nurses at the time were not only rare but did not have the best public image. And the job was seen as dirty—cleaning up after patients, tending to wounds, and other such duties.

But Goh’s answer was always the same throughout his entire 54-year career.

“没有什么比护理更美好的了。” 他会 总是笑着说.

他也确实相信这一点. And an entire country’s healthcare changed for the better because of it.

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